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A New Year's Resolution for Artists and Musicians: New Year, New You, New Me in 2024

Like so many of us, New Year's Eve is the time to think about how we want things to be different the next year. I am that way as well. But for 2024, I'm all in! Hi! I'm Dustin Carlyle, a singer, songwriter, performer, producer and lover of music. I am a pop, country, rhythm and blues performer and independent recording artist. I think some aspects of this description may apply to a great many of us. I've made a resolution to share my musical art with the

the world in 2024 in as many ways as I find possible. And where this journey of Dustin Carlyle goes, I am so happy to share with you every day for the year. Hop on for what should be a fun ride!

But I don't want it to be just one way. I am looking forward to readers of the blog sharing their own journeys as artists. And as best I can, I will reply. As one of my friends and collaborators, Jordan Owen once described once in a FB post, it can be painful to try to share your music or art with family. You love them, and they love you. But they cannot love your art, the work for which you have such passion, the same way that you do. And when they don't, it can hurt. Through this Dustin Carlyle Music Blog, I look forward to you sharing your music, art, dreams, passions and big ideas. You now have a community of support for encouragement as you pursue your dreams. And as Kevin Garnett once aptly put it after winning the NBA Championship with the Boston Celtics in 2008, Anything is Possible. ( I get teary every time I watch, like just now!).

As I pursue my dream, I look forward to sharing the steps, the successes, the failures and the lessons learned. While this exercise will be both instructional and therapeutic for me, I hope this blog serves as inspiration, education, communication and celebration for you. (OK, I did just try to make that all rhyme on the spot : ) And I hope it helps in moving you towards your success. What that personal success may be for each of us is something I am excited to explore during this year of 2024, when I will post daily, with the occasional vlog mixed in for some variety. I am so grateful to my very dear friend, Johnny Clark, as he and his blog, The Vs. Studio Blog has served as great inspiration and motivation for me to do this. Thanks, Johnny Boy, for moving so many people, including me, to share their art!

So Happy New Year to you and Yours! And I wish you a prosperous and productive 2024, where you continue to be moved to create your music and art, and it grows, flourishes, inspires and brings joy, interest and intrigue to the world.

Musically yours,

Dustin Carlyle

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