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Marketing and promoting a music act: How far is too far.

I am excited that my first New Year performance will be at the Tamworth Country Music Festival (TCMF). I have secured a spot in front of the Bond’s Outlet Store on Peel Street, on the Boulevard of Dreams. This is the street where the festival market occurs, so there should be plenty of foot traffic.

How far should I go to promote my performance before the festival, given that I will appear in front of an underwear store? Should I do some social media posts wearing Bond’s underwear? It might sound crazy, but if I asked you who the Naked Cowboy was, many of you would know who that is. If not, I have included his photo here. He was a cowboy who would walk around Times Square wearing only his underwear and a guitar. People would pose for photos with him, and I believe would give him money to take a picture with him, although I may be off on the money part. I never got close enough to see.

That type of out-of-the-ordinary marketing and promotion was made famous by Bill Veeck (pronounced like Wreck). He owned a major league baseball team in the US and would try different things to promote his baseball teams. When he owned the St Louis Browns in 1951, he sent a midget in the game to bat. When he owned the Chicago White Sox in 1959, he had an exploding scoreboard. He would move the stadium's outfield wall closer, so there would be more excitement with home runs. He even set up a nursery at the stadium, so young women could leave their children there and watch the game. He also helped integrate the league by bringing African American players to play on his team.

Some of the people I have spoken with about the busking in front of Bonds have brought up the underwear idea for promotion. Should I reveal my Bonds undershirt or underwear at any time of the show? Would I then go viral? Is that even worth it? I am still considering things, but we are just over two weeks away. I better consider it quickly!

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