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How much is too much when it comes to social media sharing


Updated: Feb 16, 2024

My new EP has been released this week. While I attempt to wear the hats of both artist and marketing manager, a question continues to arise. How much is too much to share on social media regarding my personal life?

I have chosen not to share my immediate family with my artist postings. I want to respect their privacy and their personal lives. I don’t want them to be stopped and asked about me. I also don’t want them to feel they ever have to defend me if someone ever spoke or wrote negative things about me. I’m a big boy and I can take it. If you dislike my art, then it is not for you.

I know nothing about Bruno Mars' or Ariana Grande's personal lives. Still, I love them as artists. I am an artist, so I want my art to do the talking on my social media. Social media can know me as a performer and recording artist. I will still need to be authentic and allow people to get to know me better as that performer and recording artist. But there is a line and it is a rather thick one when it comes to separating my artistic endeavours and my family. I hope you enjoy what aspects of my journey that you do see.



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