Happy New Year! January 1, 2024, the first day of the year. I almost look at it as a clean slate, 'tabula rasa' a Latin term one of my University lecturers liked to use. What we want 2024 to be is whatever we make of it. I always liked the analogy of how repeated drops of water from rain could wear down pathways and openings in stone and rocky mountains. That's how I think of this pursuit of our own music success. If we can continuously deliver 'drops' of effort and 'drops' of promotion, then word of our art will eventually penetrate some portion of the public landscape, and we will be seen and heard. And if we do it for 365 days, well, let's see what can happen.
Today, I delivered some drops of effort by leaving some drops of promotion on the internet in the form of creating an artist profile on Australia's Triple J Unearthed, an independent music site and online radio station run by the Australian Broadcasting Commission. In addition to creating my profile, I submitted music for review and posting, which may take two weeks. This will coincide quite nicely with my scheduled release date towards the end of January. Since currently living, performing and recording in Australia, I need to be present on the major Australian independent music platform. Wherever you are, you can do the same with your local, city, state or regional version. Allow yourself to be found so that your art may be shared because your art is meant to be appreciated. Know your music and who you are as an artist, and then allow you and your art to be listened to, heard and seen. You don't know how many people you will inspire, or how many pathways you will create through a music industry that sometimes appears to be a mountainous wall. Leave those drops of effort and promotion wherever you see fit to do so, and your music will cut through to your audience.