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Do the market research and see what the others are doing

My biggest challenge and opportunity for growth will be in my content creation for social media channels. Creating the content in a professional/authentic manner and then posting it to the appropriate social media channel is a process to which I will need to pay attention and effort. I recently learned the term Transmedia Storytelling. This reveals different aspects of a person’s life on different social media channels. For a music artist, maybe YouTube is for music performances, Instagram may be a peek into the personal lives, whether through photos or videos, and TikTok may be for recorded music playing with, lip syncing or just a beautiful visual with the artist. You literally have to put yourself out there.

To see what the others were doing, I knew I needed to look at what music artists in my genre were doing. As it turned out, my feed was only getting the posts of artists who were women…I wonder how that happened. Blame it on the algorithms, I guess. Nevertheless, I sought out some male music performers and began to follow. My initial note is that male artists get far fewer likes than female artists, in my category of independent musicians. OF course, the Justin Biebers of the world have many followers and likes. But for every Justin, there are probably 25 female artists receiving likes and follows in the millions. It will be interesting for me to study this and see how Dustin Carlyle may tap into those views.

I sometimes think back to my beginnings as a music fan. I would watch the song videos with the pretty girls in them. I wonder if the same equates to social media posts. That way, there would be a man and a woman to watch in the clip. The other thing I like to remember is something that came out of a podcast I used to listen to, The Small Business, Big Marketing Podcast One time, the host, Timbo Reid interviewed a marketing expert who spoke to what appeals to men and women in marketing. One idea was that if you created marketing or content that was appealing to women, the men would also go along with it. But if you made content for men, you would only get the men, as the women would more likely be turned off by it.

Another idea in that same interview was that for younger audiences, the content needed to show three Fs: Fun, Friends and Freedom. After hearing this interview, I started to observe music videos by artists. Nearly all of the videos had all three of these aspects in them. An example would be the video that shows a group of people (friends) jumping in a convertible car (fun) and heading out on the open road for adventures (freedom).

Now to use all this marketing gold in my music promotion. Thanks Timbo!

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